Monday, 15 June 2015

Top Lubrication Companies in India

Lubrication is a method which is used to reduce friction between, and wear of one or both moving relate to each other. Lubrication is very useful for every machine. It makes machine to work smoothly and reduce noise. Lubrication is done with the help of lubricants. Various types of lubricants are available in the market. Mostly lubricant are divided into three categories.
(1)   Oils- It is in liquid form which flow between the different parts of machine and tools in from of chain. It is not squeeze easily because of their long polymer structure. Oils have high pressure thresholds but their high viscosity resists motion slightly.
(2)   Greases- It is in form of paste and it is look very thick. This thick paste takes much more pressure to squeeze so it can handle the pressure of much heavy loads.
(3)   Dry lubricants- It is in form of free powder dispersed in water because rods are not covered dust collect around them, only oil and grease this problem. But dry lubricants solve this.
With the help of lubricants machines are working properly without any damage and complete different types of the operations. We have three types of lubrication given below:
(1)Fluid film lubrication
(2)Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
(3)Boundary lubrication
There are multiple lubrication companies in India. These top companies are Castrol, Mak,  Servo, Bosch etc. They provide high quality machining in India. You can buy these lubricants directly from the distributors or dealers. Delhi is the wholesale market and these lubricants can be found in Kashmere gate and Ajmeri gate. These lubricants are also available online on Auzzaar is one of the largest online lubricant stores in India.

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